In nations like Japan, Israel, Scotland, or Poland a citizen can afford to vote according to the policy positions of the differing candidates.
In a forced multiculti nation like South Africa or the USA, one finds that there are demographic voting blocks according to ethnicity & religion, rather than policy.
This is because different ethnicities & religions prefer different lifestyles and are very aware of protecting their own in-group preferences against offensive lifestyles and policies with in close proximity.
German’s want their trains to be on time.
The French train driver would rather sip ersatz and smoke a cigarette than be on time.
Frenchmen and Germans do not co-exist well in close proximity.
FORCED Diversity is not a strength to the peaceful political process, nor to the principles of community trust, but a cause of strife & poverty.
MonoCulture (rule of one religion and/or ethnicity) on a local scale, is the way of peace & prosperity.
Zulu’s should govern Zulu’s. Japs should govern Japs. Israeli’s should govern Israeli’s. Catholics should govern Catholics. Muslims should govern Muslims.
Strife occurs when a Christian and a Muslim strive for governance over each other.
Strife occurs when a Frenchman and a German strive for governance over each other.
Its ok to live among other cultures as an invited guest who endeavors to honor the values & preferences of your host.
As a guest in America I desire the peace & prosperity of my hosts.
Were I to strive against them, they would be stupid not to kick me out of their house.
Globalists are super keen on forced, uninvited integration of disparate cultures, especially through 3rd world migration into 1st world Nations.
Why? They want to introduce demographic power struggles into strong Monoculture Nations.
Because strong Monoculture Nations will not be controlled by globalist policy makers.
The idea of Babel is offensive to God.
The idea of forcing everyone to speak the same, think the same, be the same.
God enjoys our unique and fascinating cultures.
Are they sinful and degenerated? You bet. Does He still love them? You bet.
Jesus did not save us FROM our cultures, but rather saved us IN our cultures.
Christianity looks different in every culture. American Christianity is not the one true Christianity. Messianic Judaism is not the one true Christianity. Zulu Christianity is not the one true Christianity. God has a redemptive purpose and design for every culture.
EVERY tribe & tongue will bow before the name of Jesus.
“No tribe, one tongue” is the cry of the globalist.
This brings us to the deceitfulness of civic-nationalism, the pride and joy of the Boomer generation.
Civic-Nationalism is the idea that anyone can move to Japan and become Japanese, as long as they say they are Japanese. (If English missionaries have a child born on Japanese soil, would we not call them crazy for saying their child is Japanese?)
Civic-Nationalism is the idea that any country can adopt America’s constitution and get the same results. (Liberia has the exact replica of America’s constitution, yet no one has ever risked their life to escape to the “Liberian Dream.”)
America was pioneered, conquered, and settled by British pilgrims & colonists.
The Pilgrims & Puritans as a culture honored God, Covenant, & Community.
It was a great marriage of two Protestant cultures, free from the shackles of European monarchical and clerical control.
These two Protestant cultures, over a period of 200 years, were the root system for the greatest experiment of human liberty since the Garden of Eden.
Alexis de Tocqueville, a French revolutionary traveling through the newly formed United States to collect ideas for the emerging French Republic, observed of American society, “the American is the Englishman left to himself.”
Many foreigners wanted what these pilgrims, pioneers, & settlers built, so they began migrating to this nation for what has become known as “the American Dream.”
So many people wanted the fruits of this nation’s culture that the founders enacted constitutional boundaries to protect & sustain the roots of Americanism from ethnicities & religions that they foresaw as perilous to the tree of liberty.
We have been brainwashed by globalists to be ashamed of our heritage, to forget and disconnect from our history, to become globalist tax slaves.
At the root of globalism is the desire to control and destroy Christianity and anything that is beautiful and excellent.
Art, destroyed. Marriage, Destroyed. Family, destroyed. Neighborliness, Destroyed. Nature, Destroyed. Architecture, Destroyed. Innocence, Destroyed. Peace, Destroyed.
No one calls the Japanese racist for not allowing any immigrants into their nation
No one calls the Israeli’s racist for only allowing Jews to hold citizenship.
No one calls the Saudi’s racist for only allowing Muslims to hold citizenship.
However Anglos, Germans, Frenchmen, Poles, Americans are racist bigot homophobes for wanting to preserve their culture. What do these Nations have in common?
Proverbs 25:28 “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.”
Make no mistake, this is a spiritual battle and the devil wants to plunder Man, Families, Communities, and Nations by forcing beautiful, unique cultures into Proximity Wars with each other.
Its ok to prefer & favor your wife to other ladies.
In fact it is a requirement if you want a healthy marriage.
Its ok to to prefer & favor your family to others’.
In fact it is a requirement if you want a healthy family.
Its ok to prefer & favor your neighborhood to others’.
In fact it is a requirement if you want a healthy neighborhood.
FORCED interaction with, and acceptance of, people who do not value your values nor respect your preferences will not result in peace, but war.
Diversity in Proximity leads to War.
If you are an illegal immigrant in another nation, out of obedience to God you should return home. If you believe you have a call to live among another nation you should pray to God for Him to make a way for you that is honorable. God’s ways are Higher ways.
If you are living among a nation that you despise you should return home and ask God for a heart for the people you live amongst.
“Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive & pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace.” – Jer29v7
I don’t know if you’ll see this here, buried in the comment section of a 3 year old blog post, but I wanted to ask this in an inconspicuous place to avoid creating a hoopla on social media or youtube with every other yahoo jumping in. I am hoping you could provide some clarification on your views regarding nationalism, race, faith, and the like. As in this blog, you support (as do I) the idea of Christian nationalism and love of people and place, and you’re clear that you believe all people of all races and cultures can be saved and if so are brothers and sisters in Christ, but at times I am unclear on how far you take separation based on race, nationality, tribe—whatever term you’d use. I understand the natural but friendly differentiation with a black Christian brother on the plains of Kenya, who has a totally different culture and identity and deserves to rule his own nation. And obviously I understand the major divide with pagan leftists (of all colors) who should be free to go build their own socialist hellhole and live happily until it burns to the ground in 2 days. But in 2021 America, the ‘great melting pot’, we have black, brown, red, and yellow folks who have been ‘American’ as long or longer than many whites and thus live and breathe the same culture as you and I, and share our faith, values, politics, and even Christian nationalism. They’re black, but they’d be just as out of place on the plains with the Kenyan mentioned above as your or I would be. There’s my question—do you consider these folks, who are a different race but share your values, culture, and religion, as part of your People, ingroup and welcome in Christian nation, church, town, neighborhood that you build, or, because they are nonwhite, are they still of another People, outgroup, and would have to build their own nation, church, town, neighborhood? In a nutshell, does racial difference trump whatever else may be shared?
My other questions…I don’t know how to ask without simply being blunt—do you consider yourself a kinist? If not, what differentiates you from a kinist? I’m also curious about your views on interracial marriage. Yes it’s natural and even normative to be attracted to your own race, but do you view interracial relationships and marriage as sin and offensive to God (as many kinists would), or at the least something Christians shouldn’t do?
Again, I’m only asking because I’m curious. Thanks!