Culturally, Institutions are everything. The individual is nothing.
We have this fascination with Individual Rights because we have no Tribal Institutions looking after, and enforcing, our interests.
In other words, we have been taught to appeal to (or outrage against) the hostile tribe/institution who is in power over us, busy abusing or ignoring our interests, and begging them to respect our “Individual Liberties.”
The alternative to this is reciprocity; wielding our own institutions to protect our interests from hostile institutions. We have been taught that this is bad. “Collectivism bad, bucko!”
If you have no Tribe, you will be steamrolled Economically, Religiously, and Politically by those who are Tribal.
The first institution is the Patriarchal Family and Household. Major on this.
Biblical gender roles, your wife works for you and your household not other men, your children out of public school, multi-generational activity and living inheritance, wider family social and economic organization…
Second is your Local Economic Sovereignty.
Grow your own food/energy or buy direct from local farmers, own your property and equipment, provide your own products and services, prefer local products and services to globocorp, befriend neighbors, reduce reliance on hostile institutions…
Third, a Tribal Institution is 2 or more of *your guys* who organize in the pursuit or protection of a mutual interest. Two guys writing samizdat in a basement is literally a media institution that can steamroll individuals and wage war on hostile institutions. Apply this concept to your domain and interests.
(Black) Rock beats Paper (bill of rights/constitution…)
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