A “believer” is someone who believes the Word became Flesh. You do well, the devils believe. A Christian is someone who obeys that Word, Jesus Christ, & is repentant of their disobedience. Many believers are PROUD of their disobedience, which makes them ... Continue Reading
EVERY tribe & tongue will bow
In nations like Japan, Israel, Scotland, or Poland a citizen can afford to vote according to the policy positions of the differing candidates. In a forced multiculti nation like South Africa or the USA, one finds that there are demographic voting blocks ... Continue Reading
The War for Five.
There are five institutions that dominate the culture of a community: Mannerbund. Family. Church. Economy. Governance. Put into their elements: Guys. Girls. God. Gold. Guns. We are at all times involved in & affected by these institutions. We have the ... Continue Reading
Being the Church
Let us explore BEING the church and DOING church. The church building may be the biggest stumbling block to individual christians living out their faith. As long as there are paid professional christians to do the hard things for us, there is no need to go ... Continue Reading
The Simple Gospel
Jesus didn’t loan me out of debt to the law so that I now owe Him. He paid it all. The following analogy is going to be very uncomfortable, even outright offensive, to the religious spirit we were brought up in: We often relate to God like a parent who paid ... Continue Reading
Finding the Source
We have been living through a horribly effective destruction of Christian Civilization. In the midst of this ideological war we must remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the ... Continue Reading
Surviving Assassination
"Do not give in to evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it." - Ludwig von Mises Watch this quick vid which explains why our generation is so afraid of speaking out. https://youtu.be/sLnjINRUfq0 "Males are more likely to be physically ... Continue Reading
How do I reconcile myself to God?
Jesus stands at the door of your heart, but the handle is on the inside. Only you can let Him in. Lots of people pray, but praying is like talking through the door, you know He's there somewhere, but you don't know Him personally. Many of us are too afraid ... Continue Reading
Expensive Attention
"Pay attention." Its always been a funny phrase to me. But it captures a principle so well. I have a certain amount of attention energy available to me. And I pay out of it towards anything I focus on. When I feel rushed it is because I am not paying ... Continue Reading
The Magic is in the Biography
My wife and I recently finished a great Biography of a couple who lived an uncommon life. People who do not read biographies may live with a distorted view of what life is supposed to look like. If the TV is our template for normality, we may end up ... Continue Reading
Do something!
Do something different. It would be better to do something wrong than to do nothing. If you are motivated by faith, go for something significant to you! God can bless a mistake made in love more than nothing made out of fear. "How long are you going to sit ... Continue Reading
Human Software Updates.
God created life to run on systems and principles. Think about gravity, think about the weather, think about seed growth, think about light, think about blood flow. All have predictable systems or principles surrounding or underpinning them. We are ... Continue Reading