Jesus stands at the door of your heart, but the handle is on the inside.
Only you can let Him in.
Lots of people pray, but praying is like talking through the door, you know He’s there somewhere, but you don’t know Him personally.
Many of us are too afraid to open the door because of all the trash we are trying to hide from God.
He is not offended by you, in fact God sent Jesus to save you from your trash, not to condemn you for it!
He doesn’t want your religion. He wants your heart, trash and all.
“Jesus, I open the door of my heart to you. I submit myself to your lordship, and I gladly receive your blood poured out for me, and your body broken for me, which cleans me of all unrighteousness.
Thank you Father God that you now have no condemnation towards me, and that I can boldly approach your throne and be in your presence.
I am no longer a sinner, but I am now a son of God!”
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The best gift at Christmas is the Gift of Salvation.