Men are spiritually mandated to protect women.
Women are spiritually mandated to help men.
In an all male environment, a woman’s help is either unnecessary, or dangerous.
Unnecessary, because you are cutting out opportunities for lower-status men who are able to do the task. Just because a woman can do a man’s duty, doesn’t mean she should.
And dangerous, because inviting women into a male space takes the men’s focus off of defeating the enemy, and onto protecting the women.
Any objection to her presence is fought by men who think their protection will be rewarded by a sexual chance with her (or other women who see their “chivalry”).
The Mission and Culture degenerates into infighting for sexual availability.
The woman gets a high from being fought over by higher status men, and being in control of lower status men.
She doesn’t even have to give the sex.
Just the submission to a man’s protection is enough to energize a lot of men, who have never felt the power of protecting a submissive woman.
This is seen in the “work wife” where a lady is cheerful and helpful to her colleagues/boss and forms an emotional bond where he begins to protect and favor her.
Intrusion into all male space usually happens in 3 ways:
A) the girl is attractive enough, or sex scarce enough, that the majority of the men want her there.
B) the men are foolish enough to think that the woman will be helpful to the Mission and Culture.
or C) there is outside pressure to control the men by making them take women onboard.
If it was an all male space, it was that way for a reason.
That reason being that the Mission and Culture of the all male group shifts from defeating the enemy, onto protecting, and even competing for, the favor of the woman.
And also people may die.
When a man is killed, we celebrate his life and contribution, his sacrifice, to the Mission and Culture.
However, it is a significant morale blow when a woman is killed.
Not only are we attracted or sexually bonded to them, but we endure the guilt and shame of failing to protect them, we have failed to uphold God’s mandate.
This is why men unconsciously treat women with favor.
We are spiritually mandated to protect them.
They are the weaker vessel, and instead of keeping them away from harm, we justify their presence, we even celebrate their promotion into harm’s way.
When a man weakens the group, he is disciplined or ejected from the group.
Not so with women. She is treated to a different standard.
Nor does she want to be treated to the same standard.
She wants the highest status man she can get, to protect and provide for her.
Women fit into hierarchies by attachment to their father, brothers, husband, and/or sons.
A man’s value to his hierarchy is determined by his
a) Strength (vs weakness)
b) Courage (vs cowardice)
c) Mastery (vs incompetence)
A woman’s value to her man is determined by how
a) Beautiful (vs debased)
b) Cheerful (vs resentful)
c) Helpful (vs adversarial)
In the male space, women have two strategies for climbing the hierarchy:
become a work wife, or become a boss babe.
If she decides to become a “work wife,” she uses her Beauty, Cheerfulness, and Helpfulness to secure the protection and provision of the higher status men.
Married women don’t want sexually available women around their men.
If their husband is away at work, on a mission, they don’t want him to be surrounded by ladies who are competing for his favor and resources.
If she decides to become a “boss babe,” she takes on the masculine virtues of Strength, Courage, and Mastery to fight the higher status men at their own game.
This ironically makes her Debased, Resentful, and Adversarial toward men.
When a man punches back, she cries and runs to the highest status man who will protect her from this mean and dishonorable attack, or appeals to lower status men to come to her aide, thus the proliferation of “white knights” who ride in to save this damsel in distress, hoping to be noticed by her for their bravery and protection of her honor.
Boss babes are second-rate men, and odious women.
And as Proverbs 30v21 puts it, the earth is disturbed (brought into chaos), by an odious woman who is married (supposed to be under authority).
Promoting a woman above men also changes the status-strategies for the men under her:
They now have to be wary of openly challenging a woman, and by extension the men who are protecting her, and so subversive and effeminate relational politics take hold among the lower status men.
What is your suggestion for women who have to be in the workplace (particularly because of unwanted singleness, married women working is a different dynamic)? How do we exist in a man’s space (the office, business, wherever) without sinning or overstepping? Are we sinning simply by having a job as a woman? In a perfect world we wouldn’t have to, but reality is you gotta work to survive. A home businesses is great but may take time to be able to support us or just not be an option. What are we supposed to do?
Hi Anne
Thanks for your comment. Yes, as you rightly point out it is not a perfect world!
Women working is not a sin. Its just not God’s best. For a lot of us, it is what it is and so we must work with what we have, where we are.
1. Pray. Earnestly put your desires before the Lord.
Pray for your (future?) husband’s financial success, and for his heart to desire his wife to be a homemaker.
Pray for opportunities/ideas/offers to work from home or to earn an income on your own terms.
2. Be feminine, be helpful, do your work as unto the Lord.
Avoid controlling your male colleagues, or emotionally opening up to them.
Avoid making your career your top priority. Your top priority is being/becoming a wife and mother.
If a job is negatively affecting that top priority, change your job.
I bless you and pray for your success!